Monday, January 19, 2009

Removing Unwanted Attachments

Energy attachments are links that join us to others. Unconscious attachment may drain your energy. They may be placed upon you by an advanced magical practitioner ("psychic vampire") or by confused individuals drawn to your positive attitude and assured behaviour. You, yourself may have created an unconscious attachment to another individual for a completely innocent reason. These nonconsensual attachments are ill-advised and can harm both parties. You need to remove the unwanted, unconscious attachment.

You may also find that you want to remove an attachment between yourself and a loved one. Perhaps you break up with your boyfriend or maybe you've learned all you can from a specific teacher or your friend has changed in unexpected ways. In these cases, you would want to sever your positive energetic bond for necessary growth and change.

The first step in removing an unwanted attachment is locating one. This is best done through meditation. Take some time to ground and center as you normally do and set the intention that you are going into meditation with the goal to find any energetic attachments that are no longer beneficial for you. Once you have located an attachment, follow it back to its source. One way is to blow the attachment away from you.

Now you will no longer be drained by needs or worries that are unimportant or unnecessary to you. Your energy will be your own, yours to direct and distribute as you see fit. With your energy devoid of unwanted attachments, you will be aware of new possibilities, new opportunities, new adventures. The whole world opens up for you and you are free to explore it.

Source:"Clearing Your Unwanted Attachments" by Michelle Skye; Llewellyn's Witches Datebook 2009.