Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Breathe in Peace, Breathe out Love

With each breath that you take, imagine that you are breathing into yourself peacefulness, wherever you think you can get it from, breathe it into yourself, maybe from the night sky with the stars, the trees around us, maybe from the stillness in the air, or the mountains in the distance, or just from your breath. Breathe it into yourself. Let it settle within. Let it fill you. And on your out breath, think that you are breathing out love from your heart. The warm, embracing acceptance and care. And let that warm embrace of love that you are breathing out surround you in an embrace.

Now breathe that love and peace that is within you. Breathe it out to the person next to you. Give it as your gift. Breath is life and connects us all because we are breathing the same air.

And now breathe that love and peace within you, breathe it out to everyone here. Let everyone be part of your breath containing love and peace. Fill everyone and embrace everyone.

Loving Kindness Meditation

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