Friday, January 16, 2009

Power Circle

Stand somewhere quiet where you will be undisturbed.

Imagine that there is a Circle at your feet a step away. You may want to imagine that it is your favorite color or you may even like to open it by stepping forward and tracing a Circle on the ground with your finger. Then step back.

Once you imagine your Circle in front of you, shut your eyes and take three deep breaths. Inhale the energy of the earth, exhale any anxiety or worries you may have at that moment. Take your time.

Call the Goddess and God to participate with you in building your personal Power Circle by saying:
“I call upon the power of the Goddess and the God. Help me see that I have power and it is real!”

Now, relax and remember a time when you felt powerful. A time when you felt your self-esteem at its peak. Perhaps when you looked particularly good on a special occasion, perhaps when you won an award, did well on a test, received a pay raise or achieved a long forgotten wish.

Recreate this event in your mind in detail.
See it.
Hear it.
Smell it.
Taste it.
What did it feel like in your body?

You will now begin to recreate that feeling in your body…is it excitement? Pride? Happiness? These emotions raise power and energy.
Now intensify these feelings…you should now feel the power growing stronger and it will be pulsing through your body.

At the peak of this experience, step forward into your Circle.

Stay there and feel the power emanate from your body, filling the Circle.

Say your name confidently three times out loud.

Now step out.

This time, remember a time in your life when you trusted yourself. This occasion of self-trust perhaps resulted in a great outcome such as a win, a fantastic job performance, or an achievement of a long held goal. Maybe it was a hunch that proved correct, or when you accomplished something difficult physically. Maybe it was just a great decision. Perhaps it was a time when everyone else lost faith in your vision but you.

Self-trust. What a magnificent feeling!

See it.
Hear it.
Smell it.
Taste it.
What did it feel like in your body?

You will now begin to recreate that feeling in your body…is it anticipation? Satisfaction? Joy? Confidence?

Again feel your power begin to rise. Stronger and stronger.

When the feeling is at its peak, again step forward confidently into your Power Circle.
Stay there and radiate the power toward the barrier of the Circle. You will notice you feel the power stronger than before because you are layering this energy over the previous power. Move around if you wish, mixing the two together!

Say your name three times out loud.

Now step out.

Think of a time when your body and mind felt good. Really good. Your body and mind felt this good because you were actively looking after it, consciously making decisions that cared for your body and mind.

Remember back now to a massage that seemed to take away all your pain and leave you floating, or perhaps to that afternoon you had just curled up on the couch reading a book you could not put down. Was it the time that you chose to do what you really wanted over what everyone else wanted? Perhaps it is the rush of letting your body function at its peak in sport or choosing to eat delicious healthy food rather than the junk.

Self-care putting yourself first!
See it.
Hear it.
Smell it.
Taste it.
What did it feel like in your body?

You will now begin to recreate that feeling in your body…is it contentment? Vitality? Purpose?

Again feel your power begin to rise. Stronger and stronger.

When the feeling is at its peak, again step forward confidently into your Power Circle.

Stay there and radiate the power towards the barrier of the Circle. You will notice you feel the power even stronger than before because you are layering this energy over the previous two times of power raising. Move around if you wish, mixing the three together!

Say your name three times out loud.

This exhilarating feeling is your personal power. Know that you have power and it is real.

Now step out.

Thank the Goddess and the God for their help in creating your Circle, and imagine the circle closing inwards or retreating back into our body.

You have now created a personal Power Circle that is available at all times to you. No matter where you are, you can simply imagine your Circle in front of you and step into it. The power of self-trust, self-esteem and self-care that you have raised previously can be instantly accessed wherever you are.

Why not test your Circle now? Imagine your Circle. Step forward into it and repeat your name three times in your mind. You should be feeling that same rush of positive power and confidence that you had when creating the Circle.
I use my Power Circle at least once or twice a week, sometimes more. I find it really useful to handle stage fright before I am about to make a presentation. I also love it as it builds my confidence and puts me in a strong position when negotiating.

For the Circle to remain ‘powered up’ you must recharge it regularly. This can be done in two ways. First, by recalling previous experiences such as the ones you had in the exercise above. The second way is by using real time energy. Every time something really great happens such as winning a piece of business, receiving a compliment me, achieving a goal, or doing what you love invoke your Circle and place that experience within it at that very moment. This literally takes fifteen seconds to do and the benefits are enormous!
And of course no one needs to know what you are doing. From the outside, all you are doing is stepping forward…but you know better!

Source: The Modern Witch