Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Penguin Meditation

Today is Penguin Awareness Day. Penguins as a totem teach us to shift into other worlds with graceful swiftness as they dive in and out of the waters of awareness and emotion. To meditate on the magic of Penguin, make yourself comfortable and shift into a meditative state. Find yourself in the land of ice, water, and sunlight. As you stand on ice, feel yourself shift into penguin shape. Feel your penguin-ness as you walk towards the edge and dive into the water. Feel the water flow around you and see the troubles in your life flow past. As you swim ahead into the water’s embrace, you see swimming toward you ways to change your troubles into positives. You capture those solutions in your flippers and meld them into your heart. When you are done swimming, move back onto the ice and shift back into your human form, warmed by the shining light. With a deep breath, return to the here and now, thanking Penguin for wisdom and guidance.

Source: Gail Wood, http://www.llewellyn.com/free/spell.php

A quick but intensive meditation with soothing music can take you well beyond...to completely other worlds...where you can experience total freedom and detachment from any earthly concerns, get a new perspective and understand what you want.

To Go Beyond