Thursday, December 25, 2008

Dies Natalis Solis Invicti

The festival of Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, the undefeated Sun god, was celebrated in ancient Rome when the duration of daylight began to increase after the Winter Solstice. Once again, a little at a time, the days begin to grow longer once more. It is an excellent time for quiet meditation on what you seek to accomplish in the seasons ahead. Choose a quiet time and place, away from the hustle and energy of the day. Focus on your inner energy, your own inner spark. What seeds do you want to plant and nurture as the Sun blesses the Earth with light and warmth once more? Ponder those things and then note them on a piece of parchment. Fold the parchment into quarters and cup it in your hands. Visualize a ball of warm sunlight filling your hands and surrounding the paper with its radient ambience. Hold it there for a few moments, and then place the paper in a secure place on your altar to gain energy in the days ahead.

Source:, Winter Wren.