Friday, October 24, 2008


Let's not miss anything, since awareness is knowledge and knowledge is power. It is necessary to have our senses working at the fullest potency so that all our reality creation undertakings are successful. Of primary significance is the activity of our sixth sense which can be triggered by meditation. In order to maintain the highest level of awareness I ask myself the following questions:

1. What am I seeing?
2. What am I hearing?
3. What am I smelling?
4. What am I tasting?
5. What am I touching?
6. What am I thinking?
7. What am I feeling?

The answers to these questions build up our self-knowledge, which in consequence increases our reality creation powers.

By the way, I have noticed that if my response to all of the first five questions is positive in a given moment (I am seeing a beautiful surrounding, I am hearing wonderful music, I am smelling great scents, I am tasting delicious food or drink and I am touching something or someone very pleasant and this is all happening together) it's an amazing, unforgettable experience, raising the frequency of my vibrations to such an altitude where they resonate with my desires and attract them freely.

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