Wednesday, September 9, 2009


September marks the beginning of fall. This month in this year, a day of significance happens, 9/09/2009. Last year, we had 8/8/2008. Next year there will be 10/10/2010; the following year 11/11/2011; leading up to 12/12/2012. These could be dates, just like any other dates and for some people they will be. For others there is great spiritual meaning attached to those dates.

Nine is a special number. It is the product of 3X3 and three is the number of balance in mind, body and spirit. In science, there are nine planets in our solar system. It takes nine months for a human baby to fully develop in the womb. In history, number nine was a sacred number in both Egypt and Greece. In religion, the hierarchy of angels has nine choruses. The Buddhists see the sky divided into nine celestial levels. In Islam there are nine spheres in the universe. Nine is a number of balance, perfection and order in numerology. Looking at mathematics, nine is the last number in Base 10 and is the last single digit. What an amazing number.

The spiritual significance of nine is connected with perfectly balanced energy, increasing and magnifying the singular power of the triad. On September 9, 2009, take some time to connect with the power of nine. Ask to bring your energy into perfect balance, to balance your mind, body and spirit; to focus on the perfection you truly are. You are a spiritual being in human form. As a human you have free choice and opportunity to experience emotion, thought and belief. All that you experience is a manifestation of the divine within and around you. God, Goddess, Great Spirit, The One Source of All Creation, whatever words you choose, is perfection. As a manifestation of the divine within and around you, you are perfection. Everything else is an illusion, created by your mind and your perceptions. Being on this planet at this moment in the form you are in does not need to limit your experience of perfection.

Open up to divine perfection on 9/9/09.


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