Monday, November 17, 2008

Ho’oponopono & Total Responsibility

Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, a therapist in Hawaii cured a complete ward of criminally insane patients without ever seeing any of them. The psychologist would study an inmate's chart and then look within himself to see how he created that person's illness. As he improved himself, the patient improved. The therapist had used an ancient Hawaiian healing process called ho 'oponopono. The Hawaiian therapist who healed those mentally ill people demonstrated an advanced new perspective about total responsibility.

The million dollar question posed to the doctor was: "What were you doing within yourself that caused those people to change?". The response was: "I was simply healing the part of me that created them," Dr. Len explained that total responsibility for your life means that everything in your life - simply because it is in your life - is your responsibility. In a literal sense the entire world is your creation. This means that terrorist activity, the president, the economy - anything you experience and don't like - is up for you to heal. They don't exist, in a manner of speaking, except as projections from inside you.

The problem isn't with them, it's with you, and to change them, you have to change you. Dr. Len was asked how he went about healing himself. What was he doing, exactly, when he looked at those patients' files? "I just kept saying, 'I'm sorry' and 'I love you' over and over again," he explained.

To conclude: If you want to solve a problem, no matter what kind of problem, work on yourself.
Ihaleakala Hew Len

We are all connected to everyone and everything in the universe.
Therefore, everything one does as an individual affects the whole.
All thoughts, words, images, prayers, blessings, and deeds are listened to by all that is.
Serge Kahili King

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