Monday, July 27, 2009

Mantra in English

Meditation mantra is a very powerful technique to heal your body as well as mind. The Saints and yogis have been trying this method for thousands of years, but modern science has reaffirmed the magic of mantra quite recently. However, many people still reject it, just because the word "mantra" sounds like a weird, and unusual term. My suggestion for you is that you must try it before you reject it.

What Exactly Is It?

Before I give you a deep insight into the healing effects of meditation mantra, let me explain what exactly it is. It is a scientific technique of using "sound" in a way that eventually puts your mind and heart at ultimate peace. Many people take the term "mantra" as a religious thing, but you will be happy to know that you do not need to change your religion or become religious at all in order to use this technique. Mantras are nothing but a sound that you have to repeat over and over again. This repetition must be done in a way that it should become a part of your consciousness. When you practice this wholeheartedly, you will find that this constant repetition has freed your mind and you will experience ultimate peace of mind - as if you are now aware of the unknown. This is a state of mind when it becomes very easy for you to connect with your soul. If you have never experienced the universal consciousness, the meditation mantra can help you achieve that.

Mantras In English

As mentioned earlier, mantras are nothing but a sound. You can use whatever word you like to utter. However, make sure that the words or phrase you have chosen is meaningful. For example, the best way to practice meditation mantra in English is to say "I am" during an inhalation and say "at peace" during your exhalation. Practice this for an hour or so and you will soon be able to experience true inner peace and happiness. If you do not want to repeat a long phrase, you may simply practice "I am" during your inhalation and exhalation. Some other common mantras in English may include the following.

"All is well",
"I open to What IS",
"Peace to all",
"I surrender to your will"

Besides that, you can even use a poem as a meditation mantra. For example, there is a very popular Tibetan Prayer that is also prayed in English as -

"May I be filled with Loving Kindness

May I be Well

May I be Peaceful and at Ease

May I be Happy"

Mantras In Sanskrit

The most common mantras for meditation come from Sanskrit. Some of the common Sanskrit mantras and their English meaning are as follows.

Shanti, Shanti, Shanti - Peace, peace, peace
Tat Tuan Asmi - I am that I am
Aham Brahmasmi - I am the creative force
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya - I surrender to/join with the divine will
Sat Nam - Truth
OM - the sound of the Universe


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