Sunday, September 20, 2009

Monoatomic Gold

Monatomic Gold is a truly exotic substance. Highly-valued by ancient cultures for it's "mystical properties" and "magical powers", it is now re-emerging in modern times, seemingly, just as mankind needs it. Monatomic gold has been used throughout history to heal, encourage spiritual growth and enlightenment and even affect "gravity, space and time". Monatomic Gold is proving to be quite literally a unique "gift from the gods" that we are rediscovering in this time of spiritual need.


Recently there has been much written about Monatomic Gold. Ancient cultures such as the Egyptians and Sumarians used it to feed their light body and encourage spiritual transformation and enlightenment and promote optimum health. Recent advances in modern science and tireless investigation by credible researchers have started to confirm that this fascinating substance indeed has "exotic" properties and can literally, according to lab data, alter space, time and gravity.

Although it is an interesting and compelling subject, it is not our intention to say if it works or not. We feel it is up to the interested individual to investigate and research the subject themselves and come to their own conclusions. With this in mind, this page brings you information from various sources to help you decide.


I am wondering whether I should try it or not.

The "Evolution" substance is marketed as a " totally natural nutritional supplement which contains large amounts of naturally occurring Monatomic Gold, provided from the very best organic ingredients. It is also cram packed with all the nutrients necessary to encourage and promote superior health and is the only product of its kind available today. When you add Evolution to your diet you are supplying your body with large amounts of health-giving Monatomic Elements plus antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and chlorophyll with no effort or major change in your diet or lifestyle. That's priceless in today's hectic world!" (Source:

I don't think it's an illuminati trick, if they wanted to harm us in any way they could add anything to the stuff we drink and eat everyday or vaccine us..., plus this stuff ("Evolution")seems to be safe, although I would expect some illegitimate stuff to be sold out there as well. As to the argument that drugs do not help you achieve enlightment I must disagree, different kinds of substances all over the world are being used to achieve a state of enlightment.

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