Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Becoming Psychic

To become a channel, you must remove the debris that blocks or impedes the flow of information. You must rid your mind of all the rubbish accumulated throughout your lifetime so that a clean environment exists in which to develop those powers latent within you. You must overcome your inhibitions, false values, uncertainties, indecision, and criticism of others. Some major considerations are as follows:

1. Controlling your mind. If you learn to control your mental energies and give undivided attention, you have the force: the power to achieve any goal, the power of creation.

2. Removing emotion. Worry, fear, anger, envy, rush, and noise are as much a poison to your spiritual system as arsenic would be to your body. True spiritual qualities entirely eliminate these poisons. Total faith leaves no room for worry. Unrestricted love allows no room for hate, envy, anger, and greed.

3. Self-examination. As a truth seeker, you continually examine yourself. You must determine your ideals and beliefs. You must achieve clear and concise determination of what is right and wrong for you.

4. Possessiveness. Overcome possessivenesss. Consider your feelings concerning your possessions (both people and things). Who is the master and who is the slave? Learn to transform petty possessiveness into the great spiritual feeling of sharing and unity.

5. Love. Learn to truly love. You need to realize that each individual has his or her own path to follow, his or her own experiences to assimilate, in order to develop. You must let the individual thread their own path at his own pace. You should give love. You should be love.

6. Meditation. It is through meditation that you learn to concentrate and focus your attention on the higher level. The daily session of meditation clears the cluttered mind and produces the clear channel that can be used at will.

Source: Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft, Lesson 8.

If I were to give some life guidelines, they would be in fact the following:
- Master undivided attention
- Have total faith
- Truly love
- Master meditation (I believe that self-examination and overcoming possessiveness are a natural outcome of meditation)

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