Friday, October 24, 2008


Should we pursue happiness?
The pursuit of happiness is even guaranteed by the US Constitution. Every American citizen has the right to pursue happiness. It just strikes me how these wise people establishing the law system could have written such bullshit. The pursuit of happiness is just an imprisonment of the people. If you “pursue” happiness you hope to catch it in the future, it is and it will be in the future. The truth is that you cannot “pursue” happiness or believe that something or someone will make you happy. The only way to be happy is to “BE” happy, right NOW. Love, smile, be peaceful and project this beauty to the outer world and you will see how magically this energy will come back to you as if you were watching yourself in a mirror.

What is our natural state?
Our natural state is happiness, yes, happiness. We don’t have to pursue it, we ARE it. Any other state is a mutation and deformation. Our natural state is the state of happiness, peace and bliss and infinite gratitude and appreciation for the wonderful things that are happening to us (that we are creating)! I’m sure that when you sit on the bench and feel the sun warming your face and your hair torn by the wind and just close your eyes you feel that you are part of Oneness, of all there is and you just ARE. This is our natural state. Peace and bliss and a smile on your face, a smile that tells you are connected to the divine. Just being, blissful being.

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