Saturday, January 30, 2010

Show feelings and get hurt or wear a mask?

Nice weather, nice person, you go out for a walk and are your natural self, it's nice and you get comfortable and could get used to this feeling. Suddenly, unexpectedly this someone starts playing by himself in the sand and as a by-product, throwing sand in your eyes, you are hurt. But they say, what's your problem, they just need time alone, can't spend all the time with you, they need their space, they need to breathe. That's all logical, you think, so would you, you think. However next time you go out for a walk with this person, you were sunglasses, or a protective mask. Your real, vulnerable you is not there anymore. Even if they don't throw sand at you, you it has been thrown at you several times so now you are armed with all your defenses. You cannot be hurt, but you cannot have as much fun you had before either, because the glasses are limiting you, you cannot freely express your feelings. And now what? You either express your feelings openly and risk being thrown sand at or you wear your mask but you are not as free and natural as you were? Let me mention that the mask idea is one not everyone would come up with. It is an art in itself to be able to wear it.

If sb else wrote this, I would just say: go find a friend who doesn't throw sand in your eyes, if you can't be your real self with him, then find sb you can be. But this is me. What do I do?

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