Friday, January 30, 2009

Don't be Normal

You have a choice — to be someone who is alive, or someone who is living. Taking risks put us in the alive category.

Do you want something incredible to happen today? Bring it on by stepping outside your box. Do or say or be one thing that doesn't fit into your normal way of existing.

Source: Yehuda Berg

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Exercise to achieve divine consciousness

In a state of relaxation, stand naked opposite your partner and visualize a three-colored flame in your heart. Doing this helps to radiate light towards your partner’s heart. Your magical partner must do the same.

For inner contact, visualize your partner wrapping you in those three colors. If you still cannot picture them, watch an actual flame before carrying out the ritual - then you’ll be able to identify the three colors and visualize the light they produce.

Now, imagine that fire coming out of your heart and reaching across to your partner. Spiritually intense, this exercise will bring about a stronger and more wholesome bond before sex.

A Magical Meditation for Lovers by Mabel Iam

Meditation with your partner

Both of you should be lying down and in a state of relaxation. Close your eyes and relax your minds, focusing on deep breathing. Concentrate on the air coming into and out of your bodies. Put the technique of harmonious breathing into practice now: both of you should inhale together, hold your breath, exhale, and hold your breath again. Practice the three modes of breathing (inhaling, holding your breath, exhaling).

Be aware of whatever comes to mind - your thoughts, the rhythm of your body, and your emotions. If memories show up, don’t repress them - just watch them and let them go. Picture your mind as a sky full of clouds. Watch the colors of the clouds and their density. Each cloud represents a feeling or a thought. Free each cloud until the sky is blue, fully blue and bright with the light of the sun. Focus on your mind until it is empty and quiet.

Do this exercise every day for 10 minutes. In each session, you’ll achieve the state of consciousness of love and eternal ecstasy.

A Magical Meditation for Lovers by Mabel Iam

Interdependent Happiness

Happiness isn’t what it used to be, but then again, we are not what we used to be, either! We are evolving and realizing more of our human potential. That is not an easy statement to back up with all the evidence of collapse and chaos that has been with us since the start of the century. But what is really going on? In the big picture we are evolving into the oneness of the family of humanity. We’re not there yet (far from it), but the handwriting is on the wall: we are going to have to solve our global problems as a global family. It is humanity itself that must rise to save humanity. The interconnectedness of our issues is becoming apparent at all levels: economic, environmental, energy, and food issues are all forcing us to deal with situations outside of ourselves that are impacting our own well-being.

The wound of humanity is rooted in our lack of understanding of the interdependency of all life and thus far, humanity has demonstrated a tremendous lack of humanity towards humanity. We have been like cells in the same body fighting each other. Imagine your hand sneaking up and attacking your face! We need our visionaries to help us awaken to a larger understanding of how interconnected all of life is.
Happiness in difficult times is hard enough to come by, but in this evolving global community, our happiness is ultimately interdependent within the world in which we live.

“I do not need things to go right in order to be happy.
I do not need people to behave themselves for me to love them.
I am free!”

This is unconditional love and happiness that doesn’t require
everything to be just right with everyone around you for you to feel good. When we quiet ourselves to what we think we want and need, the pure joy of being will surprise you by its ability to take delight in that which is already there and free.

Breath is too simple and too free to be respected for the amazing resource it can be for dealing with anxiety and pressures concerning time. Practice saying to yourself, “I release and let go of that which is outside of my control” as you breathe deeply into your belly and slowly exhale. Imagine the feelings of a smile breaking over your face and breathe those feelings of a smile deep into your entire being. As you slowly breathe out, send your smile as your energy contribution back into the collective. You are now a planetary light worker.

Source: Interdependent Happiness by David Pond

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


He feels me
He loves me
He makes me grow spiritually and as a person
He understands me
He surprises me
He sends me flowers/songs/books/movies
He leaves me notes around the house
He always gets me presents
He is a gentleman
He is a great passionate lover
He writes
He is creative
He reads the same stuff I do
He knows who I really am
He is extremely handsome and has a great body
He likes skiing
He likes dancing and is an incredible sensual dancer
He cooks
He likes travelling
He is into spirituality
He has a sense of humour
He gives incredible massages
He respects me
He is extra clean for me
He cares about me
He understands my need to have my own space
He shares my life philosophy
He knows how to relax me
He makes me feel like a princess
He makes me feel so special

Saying sorry does not remove the pain

Saying you’re sorry does not remove the other person’s pain. Apologizing does not prevent you from having the same reaction again under different circumstances a week or two later.

To correct a pain you caused another, you must eradicate the trait inside yourself that caused you to react in the first place. Today, work on eliminating one negative trait from your nature.

Source: Yehuda Berg

And what if you had everything you wanted?

If you had everything you wanted, what would you be doing? You would be enjoying it, rejoicing and giving thanks to it, right? So if we start doing this already we are releasing our intentions, ourselves being in the right frequency, naturally attracting all that we desire. It's the right feelings that attract the right things, so let's rejoice and be grateful for what we have in our mental reality and, this is the way to it's manifestation in the physical reality.

Wanting to become lost again...within you.

"My night has become a sunny dawn because of you."
Ibn Abbad

"Within you I lose myself. Without you I find myself wanting to become lost again."
Author Unknown

Come away with me


Finding Miss or Mr. Right is not always an easy thing to do. Once you think you've found the right person, you may have doubts. Having doubts about who you are marrying is not only normal, having doubts is healthy.

How to Marry the Right Person, Consider:

Happiness and Emotional Support

Although expecting a spouse to make you feel happy all the time is unreasonable, being with the right person can bring happiness and a sense of personal strength to your life.

You will know you are marrying the right person when you feel support and encouragement about your own growth both emotionally and intellectually. The right person will want you to be emotionally healthy and able to stand on your own two feet. When you are with the right person you will feel good about yourself, safe, and fulfilled.

The right person will not be negative, selfish, wishy washy, silent, embarrassing, critical, or a slob. Why spend your life with a jerk?

Affection, Love, and Sex

It is important that the person you marry is someone who is understanding and agreeable to your wants and needs when it comes to sex and affection.

You will know you are marrying the right person if your future spouse says "I love you" not only in words spoken, but by loving actions. We define loving actions as doing things such as noticing when you are tired, remembering your birthday, wanting to spend time with you, listening to you, showing you respect, calling if you are running late, showing you affection, being patient with you if you don't understand something, kissing you hello and goodbye, and hugging you for no special reason.

You will know you are marrying the right person if you are sexually compatible with one another. If the two of you view sexual intimacy differently or have different libidos, your marriage relationship will suffer.

The right person is someone who you like and who is your friend. The right person will enjoy spending time with you.Your love and your marriage will slowly fade if the two of you are not friends.

The right person is kind, considerate, and polite. Little things in life such as saying 'thank you' and holding a door open may seem old fashioned, but they do reflect the amount of caring and kindness in a person.

Communication, Goals, and Values
You and the right person will have similar goals and values in life.

Having different likes and different opinions is okay as long as the two of you agree to disagree. Although you may not always agree with one another, conversations with the right person will be interesting and not boring. The right person will communicate thoughts and feelings with you and will not keep hurts and concerns bottled up inside.

Understanding that the only constant in life is change, the right person is willing to discuss marriage issues, questions, and topics with you both before and after you get married.

The right person will encourage you to make decisions to live a healthy lifestyle by eating healthier foods and getting exercise. The right person will want to work with you to balance your work and personal lives.

Feeling as if you are the only one picking things up around the house or taking care of the kids can get old. The right person is willing to share in the responsibilities of your home and future children.

Finding the right person doesn't mean that the two of you won't have difficulties or differences to deal with. However, with the right person you will know that the two of you will be able to work through the issues that could hurt your relationship. The way you handle disagreements and conflict shows psychologists more than what you fight about.

Trust and Honesty
The right person is honest with you.

The right person will trust you and not monitor your phone calls, or computer usage, or limit the amount of time you spend with others you care about. You will know you are marrying the right person if your future spouse does not try to isolate you from your family and friends. You not only need to belong to family, friends, groups, etc., you have the right to do so. The right person in your life will not try to control your life but will want to share a life with you. The wrong person will make you feel as if you have to walk on egg shells in order to keep peace in your home.

You shouldn't have to defend wanting privacy or time alone. You will know you are marrying the right person when you are not questioned about your need for time alone or personal space.

The right person will trust you and not spy on you. Feeling as if you have to justify your every move will become a very heavy burden.

How to know if you are marrying the right person

He feels me

I feel you

Meditation for Magical Strength

The development of greater magical ability requires the development of a stronger association with the self. If your own self-awareness and self-development are not on track, your magical practice will not be on track either. It’s important to spend a bit of time better connecting with yourself each day. Before starting your day, take the time to do a short meditation. Light a candle (tealights work well) and settle yourself comfortably. Take “inventory” of your internal self. Focus on the colors at your main chakra points; they should be clear and glowing. If not, take time to clear and re-energize that chakra area. Next, take time to reaffirm your grounding and shielding. Strong grounding and good, elastic shielding help keep you balanced. Lastly, focus on your positive intentions for the day. Focus magical energy toward areas you feel could be troublesome. Focus energy on a day accomplished in right relation with the universe and its inhabitants. Focus on learning something new today, just for you. Take a moment to wind down, extinguish the candle, and go into the day focused, balanced, and in harmony with yourself.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Your body makes a promise

“Don't you know that when you sleep with someone your body makes a promise whether you do or not.”
Vanilla Sky

Making love you create bonds, you strenghten them, making divine love you expand your consciousness and deepen your spirituality and you know whether the love you are making is divine or not.

A short-cut to happiness...

"There are short-cuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them."
Vicki Baum

"To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful."
Agnes De Mille

"Dancing is the perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire."
Author Unknown

"Never trust spiritual leader who cannot dance."
Mr. Miyagi, The Next Karate Kid, 1994

Il Tango di Roxanne

Crossing the finish line

“My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far today, I have finished 2 bags of M&M's and a chocolate cake. I feel better already.”
Dave Barry

I wanted this to be over before it started...and it's finally over. I've learnt a lot, I have developed a lot, it's time to celebrate (professional success and spiritual growth).

To be a well of affection

“The hardest of all is learning to be a well of affection, and not a fountain, to show them that we love them, not when we feel like it, but when they do”
Nan Fairbrother

Love is what makes two people sit in the middle of a bench...

“Love is what makes two people sit in the middle of a bench when there is plenty of room at both ends”

Enigma, Gravity of Love

Breathe in Peace, Breathe out Love

With each breath that you take, imagine that you are breathing into yourself peacefulness, wherever you think you can get it from, breathe it into yourself, maybe from the night sky with the stars, the trees around us, maybe from the stillness in the air, or the mountains in the distance, or just from your breath. Breathe it into yourself. Let it settle within. Let it fill you. And on your out breath, think that you are breathing out love from your heart. The warm, embracing acceptance and care. And let that warm embrace of love that you are breathing out surround you in an embrace.

Now breathe that love and peace that is within you. Breathe it out to the person next to you. Give it as your gift. Breath is life and connects us all because we are breathing the same air.

And now breathe that love and peace within you, breathe it out to everyone here. Let everyone be part of your breath containing love and peace. Fill everyone and embrace everyone.

Loving Kindness Meditation

Monday, January 26, 2009


“In true love the smallest distance is too great, and the greatest distance can be bridged.”
Hans Nouwens

It is the emotion you feel that attracts the thing you want

Stop chasing the thing you want and start experiencing the essence instead. The only way to shift from lack to fulfillment is to focus on the one and only thing that can actually give you what you really want. That is the essence of the thing itself. The essence is the emotion you actually feel when you have the thing. Focus on the emotion first and foremost. It is the emotion you feel that attracts the thing you want. You might want the thing to change how you feel. But you must change how you feel beforehand.

When you can feel the emotion you’ll have when you are in possession of the thing you want, then you will attract it to you. That is why in moments when people let go of their desire, they release the feeling of not having what they want, and then what they want starts showing up in their lives. The key to manifesting what you want is to do so without resistance. Our feelings of not having what we want are what create resistance. You have to detach from your mind the thing and focus on feeling right emotion.

You cannot be spiritual and be sick. You cannot be spiritual and be in lack. You cannot be spiritual and be lonely. You attract the things, people and situations based on the frequencies that you are vibrating at. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, and likewise a good vibration cannot draw to you evil manifestations. This is the law of the universe and when you follow the law, you will always have divine justice on your side. Blessings are on the head of the just. You will have abundance, health and relation.

Source:; Focusing on Essence is More Important Than the Thing

The Year of the Ox

What an auspicious day January 26 is this year! It is the start of Chinese New Year, a New Moon, and a solar eclipse! There’s energy for fresh starts with the New Moon and New Year energies. The ox represents strength and endurance. What you begin now has the capacity to last for a long time. The solar eclipse lends positive, active energy to the change. List three goals you wish to achieve in the coming year and beyond (because of the ox energy, this is also a good time to make five-year and ten-year plans). Under each goal, list three active steps you can take toward each goal. Charge this list with the energies of the ox, the New Moon, and the Sun. Keep it safe. Revisit the list every month on the New Moon. See what’s been accomplished, what needs more attention, and what no longer works. Make the necessary adjustments. One year from today, burn it in celebration of your achievements!

Source: Cerridwen Iris Shea,

Sunday, January 25, 2009

"Just respect me"

"Just think of me before every decision you take. I don't mean to put you into a cage, just respect me and I will give you wings to fly."

I will. This was a wonderful weekend...not even in my dreams did I imagine something like, peace and bliss, fun and togetherness, I have never felt such a strong bond with you before. I would think: "is this it? Is this the love I want". Instead of doubting I should have let myself go and enjoy us all the way from the start. The walls are falling down...I feel a new era beginning...

“To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater.”


"You only have to piss in the sea to make the ocean rise"

We are all interconnected and every action has a reaction, every action has its consequence, we decide our fate with each our action.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Final call...looks like we've made it.

“The art of love... is largely the art of persistence.”
Albert Ellis

“It is impossible to fall out of love. Love is such a powerful emotion, that once it envelops you it does not depart. True love is eternal. If you think that you were once in love, but fell out of it, then it wasn't love you were in. There are no 'exit' signs in love, there is only an 'on' ramp.”

“I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out.”
Roy Croft

It was a final call...seems like we made arriving at my door when I was feeling it was all over created a whole new beginning...just enjoy...

Think the things you want

Think the things you want. The profoundest philosophy is locked up in these few words. When we are not thinking right, we are not attracting the right things. Think of the things you want clearly, persistently, concentrating upon them with all the force and might of your mind and move mentally toward them with all your energy. This is the way to make yourself a magnet for the things you want. But the moment you begin to doubt, to worry, to fear, you demagnetize yourself, and desired things flee from you.

No matter how discouraging your present outlook, how apparently unpromising your future, cling to your desire and you’ll realize it. Picture the ideal conditions. Visualize the success which you long to attain. Imagine yourself already in the position you are aiming to reach. Do not acknowledge limitations, do not allow any other suggestion to lodge in your mind than the success you long for, the conditions you aspire to. Picture your desires as actually realized, and hold fast to your vision with great tenacity.

Source:; Faith is the Magnet that Attracts what you want.

Friday, January 23, 2009

What can I do for YOU?

Being "spiritual" means many things to many people. Certainly one aspect of it is the constant battle to get out of our heads, to see beyond whatever it is we're obsessing about so that we can be of service to others.

It's like we live in these tiny, cramped cubicles with full-length mirrors hanging on the walls. All we see and think about is "me".

Step outside your cubbyhole today. Reprogram your operating consciousness from "What can you do for me?" to "What I can do for you?"

And enjoy the exhilaration that comes along with it.

Source: Yehuda Berg

I'm sorry, I love you

“True love never runs smoothly”
Proverb quote

I'm sorry, I love you, I'm sorry, I love you, I'm sorry, I love you, I'm sorry, I love you, I'm sorry, I love you, I'm sorry, I love you, I'm sorry, I love you, I'm sorry, I love you, I'm sorry, I love you, I'm sorry, I love you, I'm sorry, I love you, I'm sorry, I love you, I'm sorry, I love you, I'm sorry, I love you, I'm sorry, I love you, I'm sorry, I love you, I'm sorry, I love you, I'm sorry, I love you,

No regrets

“I certainly don't regret my experiences because without them, I couldn't imagine who or where I would be today. Life is an amazing gift to those who have overcome great obstacles, and attitude is everything!”
Sasha Azevedo

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Life isn't about how to survive the storm...

"Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain."

You and I shall be as one

Black is the colour of my true love's hair
His face is soft and one rose fair
the purest eyes and the strongest hands
I love the ground whereon he stands

I love my love, and well he knows
I love the ground whereon he goes
the sweetest face and the strongest hands
I love the ground whereon he stands

My own true love so fare you well
the time has passed I wish you well
still I hope the time will come
When you and I shall be as one.

Black is the colour of my true love's hair

Black is the Colour of my True Love's Hair

Why do lovers break up?

Your girlfriend/boyfriend just decided she/he didn’t want to be with you any longer. It hurts, right?

Well, first of all, know that you didn’t do anything wrong. It doesn’t mean that the relationship couldn’t have been better and that you didn’t have anything to do with the separation, but it doesn’t mean it is entirely “your fault”.

What it DOES mean, is that she/he is no longer resonating with you. She/he doesn’t feel connected to you any longer or as much as she/he needs to in order to stay your girlfriend/boyfriend. Sometimes that change in resonance occurs because two people cease to be each other’s teacher and need to thus move on. In other words, you were there to help her/him grow in some way and now your job is “done” and she/he needs to move on in order to continue growing.

Sometimes that change in resonance occurs because one person has grown in a different direction and they no longer see eye to eye. Of course, we make up all sorts of “reasons” why we split up, but there simply isn’t one answer. Break-ups may be difficult or challenging, and at the same time, are a wonderful opportunity to learn more about what you want and what you need.

So don’t take breaking up personally even though it feels personal. It is just another stepping stone to knowing and loving yourself better. Be compassionate to yourself. Forgive yourself and the other person. When you can, bless them on their way and thank them for being there during an important part of your development. Part ways with respect and love.

Source: Law of Attraction in Love

A little trick to improve sex life

Wearing higher heels may improve your pelvic floor muscles and in doing so boost your sex life, a study suggests.

High heels may improve sex life

I'd say it also give you an enormous sense of power, sex appeal and you are absolutely irresistible...

About US

I am deemed weird. You are weird. But you know what "weird" means? According to the Cambridge dictionary it means "very strange and unusual, unexpected or not natural". And we for sure are/were unusual, unusually divine. I didn't know what I was stepping in when you came into my life, but now when we are on the verge of leaving our divinity behind I know that it is something extraordinary that we are/were having.

I know I haven't given you everything a woman possibly can but we both know this is yet to come. More than once I have been thinking that I've had enough. And each time I talk to you in the last days it ends in me crying and I know I've had my share and I know you've had yours but I'm still here for you, so if you wish, take it, take another little piece of my heart.

I have built a strong wall around myself not to let anybody into my world, you have dismantled a lot of this wall by all the wonderful things you have done to me and I continued to build it up and now when you no longer want to fight I have understood that I do want you. I'm sorry for all the hurt, the timing was not right, you know it, but shall we just give up after all we've been through? Shall we give up just a few meters from where the treasure lies?

“What do you first do when you learn to swim? You make mistakes, do you not? And what happens? You make other mistakes, and when you have made all the mistakes you possibly can without drowning - and some of them many times over - what do you find? That you can swim? Well - life is just the same as learning to swim! Do not be afraid of making mistakes, for there is no other way of learning how to live!”
Alfred Adler

Take another Piece of my Heart

Let go

Drop your resistance along the way by choosing thoughts that feel better. Think that everything is working together for your greatest good. Think that God is in control of everything. Think that everything is being taken care of. These thoughts make you feel better and give you a sense of relief as you can let go and trust. You’re in a state of nonresistance, and therefore you will be able to manifest optimally. Feel your way into flow by surrendering.

When you accept nothing less than the best without fearing anything less, you often get it. The way not to fear is to let go of your expectations. Holding on to your expectation creates fear that they may not happen. Once you let go of the need to care about whether they happen or not, you are free from fear. The opposite of fear is love. When you have no fear, you’re free to experience the love and joy of life.

Source: Surrender to Drop Resistance for Manifestation,

I choose not to fight, I just choose to enjoy life and be a happy joyful child. If you are a happy and joyful child as well you will be drawn to me, if not, you shall be repelled. I choose for things to sort themselves out sending you love and peace. I forgive you and I forgive myself. I'm letting go. I'm happy and peaceful this way.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Feud Spell

By the speed of Mercury, all troubles will pass,
Now let the squabbling end and our friendship last.
I send my apologies to you with my sincerity,
Let’s put this all behind us, with the power of three times three.

Source: Ellen Dugan,

Aspiring to a Higher Truth

Two parties can have opposing opinions and conflicting viewpoints, and both be right.

Agitation occurs when one or both parties engaged in an argument respond reactively, intolerant to the other person's view. Spirituality aspires to a higher truth—the notion of unity, of sensitivity, of tolerance for those we disagree with.

Today, instead of focusing on being right, recognize this higher truth and seek common ground and unity with people.

Source: Yehuda Berg

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I am a Witch

At first you weren't quite sure what path to take -
The left, the right, the summit or the pond-
Nor how to pour the ale or cut the cake,
But in good time you learned, and passed beyond.

Though other roads were wider, smooth and new,
An older Way rose up beneath your feet.
You followed it, and studied it, and grew
And spoke with fellow souls you chanced to meet.

So now you stand, outside of time and space,
To dedicate yourself among the Wise.
The trees lean down to listen in this place;
The Moon shines as your witness in the skies.

"I am a Witch!" You say the words, times three,
And what you say, furthermore, shall be"

Source: Elizabeth Barrette, Llewellyn's Witches' Datebook 2009.

God Complex

"The God complex is a very powerful state of being to have in life and in persuasion. When you have the God complex, you are playing games you cannot lose. You are thinking the way God thinks and therefore you only see success and no failure. People with the God complex become unstoppable and a force to be reckoned with. No matter what happens, it is good for them either way. They have no attachments to outcomes because they can turn every situation to their advantage and move them forth."

Source:, God Complex - Playing Games You Cannot Lose

The Mozart Effect

"The Mozart Effect" is the name attributed to psychologists' findings in 1993, that playing Mozart to their subjects increases their spatial-temporal reasoning. Today Mozart's music is used in a variety of non-musical applications from healing clinics to the classroom.


Listen to Mozart

Along the road to truth.

"There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth...not going all the way, and not starting.”

Mozart Divertimento


IN or OUT, says my dad, don't stand in the corridor. Frame a clear, firm reality, decide.

You...I want you IN. My body wants you and this has never been so clear to me, my soul wants you, you can so FEEL me as nobody ever has before and the extent to which you feel me is unbelievable, you accept me not in spite of my differences but because of them.

We have had great times & times of pain. I am learning a great deal from experiencing you. I see a lot of room for real togetherness and I see great potential for mutual development. I see us expanding our counsciousness together. I see us having incredible magical moments, lots of moments, a series of wonderful mutually exclusive nows.

If you believe in me, step IN, the doors are open, only for you.

Penguin Meditation

Today is Penguin Awareness Day. Penguins as a totem teach us to shift into other worlds with graceful swiftness as they dive in and out of the waters of awareness and emotion. To meditate on the magic of Penguin, make yourself comfortable and shift into a meditative state. Find yourself in the land of ice, water, and sunlight. As you stand on ice, feel yourself shift into penguin shape. Feel your penguin-ness as you walk towards the edge and dive into the water. Feel the water flow around you and see the troubles in your life flow past. As you swim ahead into the water’s embrace, you see swimming toward you ways to change your troubles into positives. You capture those solutions in your flippers and meld them into your heart. When you are done swimming, move back onto the ice and shift back into your human form, warmed by the shining light. With a deep breath, return to the here and now, thanking Penguin for wisdom and guidance.

Source: Gail Wood,

A quick but intensive meditation with soothing music can take you well completely other worlds...where you can experience total freedom and detachment from any earthly concerns, get a new perspective and understand what you want.

To Go Beyond

Monday, January 19, 2009

Removing Unwanted Attachments

Energy attachments are links that join us to others. Unconscious attachment may drain your energy. They may be placed upon you by an advanced magical practitioner ("psychic vampire") or by confused individuals drawn to your positive attitude and assured behaviour. You, yourself may have created an unconscious attachment to another individual for a completely innocent reason. These nonconsensual attachments are ill-advised and can harm both parties. You need to remove the unwanted, unconscious attachment.

You may also find that you want to remove an attachment between yourself and a loved one. Perhaps you break up with your boyfriend or maybe you've learned all you can from a specific teacher or your friend has changed in unexpected ways. In these cases, you would want to sever your positive energetic bond for necessary growth and change.

The first step in removing an unwanted attachment is locating one. This is best done through meditation. Take some time to ground and center as you normally do and set the intention that you are going into meditation with the goal to find any energetic attachments that are no longer beneficial for you. Once you have located an attachment, follow it back to its source. One way is to blow the attachment away from you.

Now you will no longer be drained by needs or worries that are unimportant or unnecessary to you. Your energy will be your own, yours to direct and distribute as you see fit. With your energy devoid of unwanted attachments, you will be aware of new possibilities, new opportunities, new adventures. The whole world opens up for you and you are free to explore it.

Source:"Clearing Your Unwanted Attachments" by Michelle Skye; Llewellyn's Witches Datebook 2009.

Love lifts us up where we belong...

Love Lift Us Up Where We Belong
Where The Eagles Fly On A Mountain High
Love Lift Us Up Where We Belong
Far From The World Below
Where The Clear Wind Blow

Love lifts us up where we belong

Do that to me one more time...

Do that to me one more time...
Once is never enough with a man like you...

Do that to me once again

Dr. Masaru Emoto's experiments on water

What has put Dr. Emoto at the forefront of the study of water is his proof that thoughts and feelings affect physical reality. By producing different focused intentions through written and spoken words and music and literally presenting it to the same water samples, the water appears to "change its expression".

Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward them. He found that water from clear springs and water that has been exposed to loving words shows brilliant, complex, and colorful snowflake patterns. In contrast, polluted water, or water exposed to negative thoughts, forms incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors.

The implications of this research create a new awareness of how we can positively impact the earth and our personal health.

Source: What the Bleep do we know?

Positive & Negative Effects on Water Crystals

Sunday, January 18, 2009


"Find the person who will love you because of your differences and
not in spite of them and you have found a lover for life."
Leo Buscaglia

"What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined... to strengthen each other... to be at one with each other in silent unspeakable memories."
George Eliot

"Love is the emblem of eternity: it confounds all notion of time:
effaces all memory of a beginning, all fear of an end."
Germaine De Stael

Love is the magician...

"Love is the magician that pulls man out of his own hat."
Ben Hecht

Visualization in Spellcrafting

Proficiency at visualization is most important to all occult training. The ability to visualize is integral to spellcrafting.

The receptacle of the imagination is integral to the process of creation. Change through intent begins with inspiration, passes through the realm of the imagination, is manipulated by the emotions of enthusiasm, desire, empathy, and compatibility and is transformed into a manifest outcome according to the proficiency of the process.

When the required depth is plumbed, it's possible to stand with the eyes open and see clearly that which you have created with the power of the mind.

As meditation is the process of stilling the mind while relaxing the body, so visualization utilizes that peaceful, relaxed state for the creation of altered states, increased awareness through controlled and conscious intent, contact, manifestation, and summoning.

1. Relax and go into your meditation.
2. Visualize blackness as far as you can see.
3. Onto that black screen, visualize a white circle. Start at twelve o'clock on the circle and visualize eliminating the circle by circumnavigating, clockwise, to where you began. Then recreate the circle in the same way.
4. Hold the image of the circle for exactly as it is for the count of ten, then eliminate it as before.

You can then create in your imagination any event that will occur within a set timeframe in your mental reality.

Source: "Witchcraft Theory & Practice", Ly de Angeles.


Astral Projection or Out-of-Body Dreams

- There are those powerful dreams whereby you leave the landscape of recognizable reality and voyage, through the dreamweb, to other world wherein you also live, retaining the memory of experiences upon walking into your current recognizable reality.

- There are dreams of waking whereby you have not awoken - parallel existence.

- There are the times when you'll meet gods or beings from the landscape of magic; the times when you'll be in company of people you know from the past, present or future.

Source: "Witchcraft Theory & Practice", Ly de Angeles.

Mula Bandha

Here's an exercise that has great benefits for sexual life. For women: it tightens slack vaginal walls and reduces tendency toward so-called frigidity or orgasmic impairment; for men: it reduces tendency for premature ejaculation and impotence. For best results this exercise should be performed beginning with 10 repetitions each, adding five additional repetitions a week until a maximum of sixty rounds is performed a day.

- Step One: Sit erect in any comfortable position, hands palm up on thighs.
- Step Two: Focus attention on the anal region, beginning with awareness of the floor or chair exerting pressure up against the buttocks and then pinpoint consciousness upon the anus.
- Step Three: Inhale a half-lungful of air, swallow and retain breath.
- Step Four: Slowly contract the anus to maximum while continuing to hold the breath. N.B. Breath is retained throughout up to step six.
- Step Five: Women: spread pelvic floor contraction forward from the anus until a distinct twitch is felt in the vaginal lips. Men: spread pelvic floor contraction from the anus until a distinct pull is felt upon testicles resting in scrotal sac.
- Step Six: Release pelvic contraction completely, take in a sniff of fresh air and then smoothly exhale fully.

Source: "Ecstasy through Tantra", Dr. Jonn Mumford