Saturday, December 27, 2008
I choose happiness
I am happy because I decide to be happy and I will only attract happy people to my life, the unhappy ones will be naturally repelled.
If I love until it hurts...
Color Therapy
Color Healing (Chromopathy/Chromotherapy)is changing the condition of a person by visualizing a specific color light around them. The colors are chosen according to the patient’s problem. For example, when dealing with the nervous system, you would use violet and lavender to obtain a soothing effect. To inspire, yellows and oranges would be your choice.
Source: Bucklands’ Complete Book of Witchcraft, Lesson thirteen.
Health is contingent upon balancing not only our physical needs, but our emotional needs as well. In India, a group of healers versed in Ayurvedic medicine describe colors associated with the seven main chakras, which are, according to their system, spiritual centers in our bodies located along the spine.
There are seven of these chakras and each is associated with a particular organ or system in the body. Each chakra has a dominant color, but these colors may become imbalanced. If this happens it can cause disease and other physical ramifications. By introducing the appropriate color, these maladies can be fixed. Below is a description of each chakra and its corresponding color.
• Red: First Chakra: Located at the base of the spine.
• Orange: Second Chakra: pelvis area
• Yellow: Third Chakra: solar plexus
• Green: Fourth Chakra: heart
• Blue: Fifth Chakra: throat
• Indigo: Sixth Chakra: lower part of the forehead
• Violet: Seventh Chakra: top of the head
Source: Wikipedia
The pentacle
This should have been the first post.
A five-pointed star, the points of which represent earth (to know), air (to will), fire (to dare), water (to keep silence), and spirit (the uppermost point). Pentacles are frequently set within a circle, which can represent the wheel of life, the encircling of the divine, or the union of the material and spiritual realms. Because the image can be drawn without lifting the dra
wing tool, it indicates their interconnection. Today, the pentagram is symbolic of occultism in general and Wicca or Witchcraft in particular.
Traditionally, each of the five angles represent the five metaphysical elements of the ancients
EARTH: (lower left hand corner) represents stability and physical endurance.
FIRE: (lower right hand corner) represents courage and daring.
WATER: (upper right hand corner) represents emotions and intuition.
AIR: (upper left hand corner) represents intelligence and the arts.
SPIRIT: (at the topmost point) represents the All and the Divine.
The Circle around the star represents the God-Goddess; it refracts and reflects all light, bringing to the wearer total intelligence, universal wisdom and protection.
You worry too much.
Oh soul,
you worry too much.
You say,
I make you feel dizzy.
Of a little headache then,
why do you worry?
You say, I am your antelope.
Of seeing a lion here and there
why do you worry?
Oh soul,
you worry too much.
You say, I am your moon-faced beauty.
Of the cycles of the moon and
passing of the years,
why do you worry?
You say, I am your source of passion,
I excite you.
Of playing into the Devils hand,
why do you worry?
Oh soul,
you worry too much.
Look at yourself,
what you have become.
You are now a field of sugar canes,
why show that sour face to me?
You have tamed the
winged horse of Love.
Of a death of a donkey,
why do you worry?
You say that I keep you warm inside.
Then why this cold sigh?
You have gone to the roof of heavens.
Of this world of dust, why do you worry?
Oh soul,
you worry too much.
Since you met me,
you have become a master singer,
and are now a skilled wrangler,
you can untangle any knot.
Of life's little leash
why do you worry?
Your arms are heavy
with treasures of all kinds.
About poverty,
why do you worry?
You are Joseph,
beautiful, strong,
steadfast in your belief,
all of Egypt has become drunk
because of you.
Of those who are blind to your beauty,
and deaf to your songs,
why do you worry?
Oh soul,
you worry too much.
You say that your housemate is the
Heart of Love,
she is your best friend.
You say that you are the heat of
the oven of every Lover.
You say that you are the servant of
Ali's magical sword, Zolfaghar.
Of any little dagger
why do you still worry?
Oh soul,
you worry too much.
You have seen your own strength.
You have seen your own beauty.
You have seen your golden wings.
Of anything less,
why do you worry?
You are in truth
the soul, of the soul, of the soul.
You are the security,
the shelter of the spirit of Lovers.
Oh the sultan of sultans,
of any other king,
why do you worry?
Be silent, like a fish,
and go into that pleasant sea.
You are in deep waters now,
of life's blazing fire.
Why do you worry?
"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And today? Today is a gift. That's why we call it the present."
We have to focus on the Now. There is only Now. The past has passed and the future is not here yet. We can choose to worry about passed events and we can choose to worry about the future, about things that might not even occur, but can we ever be happy if we do so? True happiness is within us and it is a choice to focus on the now and to think of all the beautiful things that are happening to us. This way we also create a wonderful future, since thoughts are things, and positive thoughts are positive things. And what about the past? All I know about the past is that it brought me to where I am now.
I believe in the Now. I believe that true happiness is a choice and that we are the only ones to decide. I decide to be happy.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Dies Natalis Solis Invicti
The festival of Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, the undefeated Sun god, was celebrated in ancient Rome when the duration of daylight began to increase after the Winter Solstice. Once again, a little at a time, the days begin to grow longer once more. It is an excellent time for quiet meditation on what you seek to accomplish in the seasons ahead. Choose a quiet time and place, away from the hustle and energy of the day. Focus on your inner energy, your own inner spark. What seeds do you want to plant and nurture as the Sun blesses the Earth with light and warmth once more? Ponder those things and then note them on a piece of parchment. Fold the parchment into quarters and cup it in your hands. Visualize a ball of warm sunlight filling your hands and surrounding the paper with its radient ambience. Hold it there for a few moments, and then place the paper in a secure place on your altar to gain energy in the days ahead.
Source:, Winter Wren.
His list - Reasons why she may be THE ONE
1. You care for her.
2. She puts herself into your shoes.
She cares about you so much that, before taking an action, she thinks about you and how that decision will influence you and your relationship and eventually her. She makes you feel that she tries to understand you.As a boyfriend you feel a great respect from , which may lead both of you to a future marriage.
3. You find yourself unable to concentrate.
Being productive at work has become increasingly difficult, listening attentively in class is a daunting task, and all you can think about is when you will see her next. As pathetic as it may be, you cannot wait to see her again, and you even consider calling her to let her know just that.
4. You ask yourself where she has been all your life.
She wants to know all about you -- the good and the bad -- and is not turned off by the latter. You envision yourself married to her and wonder what your kids would look like. While this thought would have made you nauseous years ago, it now brings a smile to your face.
5. Chemical balance.
You have so much chemistry oozing between the two of you that you have no choice but to give into temptation. She is on your mind at all times, and every time you go shopping alone, you end up buying her something. You can stare at one another and not say anything for hours; you have achieved "the comfortable silence".
6. You get mad when others debase her.
Whether it's your friends, family or some stranger, you get irritated when people say mean things about your woman. You contemplate smashing their skulls, but opt to make them eat their words instead.
7. You forget about your ex.
You've been thinking about the ex-girlfriend for some time now, until you meet the goddess that is her. From the time you first laid eyes on her, you seem to have finally turned a new page. You still look at other women, but it's just "looking".
Yup, she may just be the one...
8. You forget your friends.
You always chose hanging out with the boys first and the girlfriend second, only now, playing pool and having some drinks with your buds isn't as interesting as it used to be. You prefer to see her and pass up the friends.
9. She has fun with your family.
You cringe at the thought of her meeting grandpa Joe and hearing about his sordid tales... but when the big day comes, you realize that she actually finds his stories funny. She seems to care for your parents and likes your siblings. She loves your friends and family.
10. She gets along with your friends.
She meets your friends one by one, and you get the eerie impression that she likes them and could actually get along with them. Better yet, she understands and encourages you to spend time with them and have your own life.
11. You trust her.
You have had difficulty trusting women your whole life. Then one day, you realize that you can trust the woman standing beside you. For the first time in your life, you don't think twice about opening up about personal matters or letting her take care of important objects; you know that you can turn your back to her and not worry. You even want to introduce her to your friends and family.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Witching you a Merry Christmas!
For sure you’re going to bake a cake. You have power. Use it. Bless each of the ingredients with a certain quality like love, joy, wealth, health, youth, peace, beauty, wisdom and power; as you join them altogether bless the whole content and bless again while it’s baking. This will be a truly magical cake and whoever will have a chance to taste it will feel all the blessings instantly! That's what I call a gift;)
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Sex Magick
Sex Magick is one of the most potent forms of magick. The Sex act is the best possible, and most natural way of generating the power we need for magick.
1) Start with a short meditation on what you want to achieve.
2) Foreplay.
3) Before climax the concentration should move to the object of the magick. Get the required picture in mind and focus on it. Work on it, generating the power within you, hold off the orgasm as long as you can.
4) Climaxing, release power, actually see it, in your mind’s eye, flashing away from you in a line of white light.
Sex magick can also be very useful as an adjunct to divination and astral projection.
Source: Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft, lesson eleven.
Monday, December 22, 2008
To become a channel you must rid your mind of all the rubbish accumulated throughout lifetime so that a clean environment exists to develop those powers latent within you. Some major considerations are as follows:
1. Controlling the mind – learn to control your mental energies and give undivided attention, you have the force, the power to achieve any goal, the power of creation.
2. Removing emotion – remove negative emotions. Total faith leaves no room for worry. Unrestricted love allows no room for hate, envy, anger and greed.
3. Self-examination – as a truth seeker, you continually examine yourself. You must determine your ideals and beliefs. You must achieve clear and concise determination what is right and wrong for you. Just as you cannot judge another, you cannot be judged by any other than yourself.
4. Possessiveness – overcome it. Learn to transform petty possessiveness into great spiritual feeling of sharing and unity.
5. Love – learn to truly love. Learn to love well enough to release people and things rather than to cling to them. Your love should be understanding and forgiving. You need to realize that each individual has his or her own path to follow, his or her own experience to assimilate, in order to fully develop. You must lead the individual thread their own path at his own pace. You should give love. You should be love.
6. Meditation – you must master the silence in which the higher self speaks. The daily meditation clears the cluttered mind and produces the clear channel that can be used at will.
Source: Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft, lesson eight.
"A man who is not afraid is not aggressive, a man who has no sense of fear of any kind is really a free, a peaceful man."
Jiddu Krishnamurti
"All God wants of man is a peaceful heart."
Meister Eckhart quotes
"If in our daily life we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. This is the most basic kind of peace work."
Thich Nhat Hanh
More on love
Who are you to judge?
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Who to marry
The shortest night of the year and I reflect. Just came home, we were all having breakfast, I was thinking…wow this is just wonderful, all family together, I felt so happy…then my dad went upstairs, my brother too and my mum noticed a pile of garbage on the other table and got furious about it. She didn’t clean up for the whole day to then find garbage on the table, my father was upset, because he prepared breakfast and my mum was just angry cause he didn’t ask her down to have it….my mum gets furious, cries, shouts, my dad comes to my room, we talk, he said he just came back from a trip and forgot that home was this, then mum got in, started saying the same things again, he didn’t reply, just went to work. This is not a good marriage. Fullstop. There is no understanding, no putting each other in the other’s shoes, no connection, no togetherness. Why did they marry? My mum’s dad always told her how important similar interests are. He and his wife were not a good match either. They met at a bus stop. She was 19, he was 29. All her classmates were jerks, he was smart and wrote poems. She was young and it seemed that he could mold her as he wanted. They married after 2 months. Mum and dad were in the same group at university, my mum thought these were similar interests.
So? Who to marry?
We are all different, each person may be looking for something else but then many of us are looking for the same thing and that is love. But is love enough? I guess love is not enough, or rather shallow love is not enough, there must be a deeper connection, a deeper understanding, a will to grow together and to do things together, there must also be wonderful sex. Cosmic sex is a gateway to other worlds, and finding a soul with which you can actually cross that gateway is something extraordinary. Most of the sex around us is really shallow, just a physical experience, where people, at least the woman doesn’t even truly enjoy it. We need a person with a similar level of intelligence, liking to do similar things.
So it’s a connection of a divine type that I believe in, and a marriage is a work-in-progress together. Each of us grows but the importance of a relationship is to be growing together and loving it.
There are a lot of books, courses and articles about how to find and keep a partner. Read them. But the answer is in us, we just need to look deep inside our souls to understand what we really want and who will give this to us.
This is not a structured article, it was not supposed to be. These are just thoughts pouring through me right now. So boiling it down to two points I guess you must feel, or at least I must feel
1. A divine connection (cosmic sex)
2. Togetherness (growing together and going together in the same direction)
I feel it now.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
If I could have just one wish
"If I could have just one wish,
I would wish to wake up everyday
to the sound of your breath on my neck,
the warmth of your lips on my cheek,
the touch of your fingers on my skin,
and the feel of your heart beating with mine...
Knowing that I could never find that feeling
with anyone other than you."
Courtney Kuchta
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Meditation is listening to the Higher Self, to the Inner Self, to the Creative Force, to the Higher Consciousness, even the gods themselves. Properly used meditation opens the door to individual growth and personal advancement. Of all the techniques of advancement in the psychic and spiritual fields , meditation is by far the most effective. It is also the most simple.
Meditation is a method whereby we can improve our lives materially, physically, mentally and spiritually. Through meditation you discipline your mind, control your emotions, overcome illness, solve problems and create your own reality.
As the vital forces begin to flow through the nervous system, the individual achieves a sense of well-being and peace. The subconscious begins to clear itself of negative and undesired patterns of feelings and the images that have been programmed into it through your lifetime. The cosmic force of the kundalini (“serpent force” - the mysterious psychic energy sent through the chacras as they open; chacras are vital centers at which the physical and spiritual bodies are connected) very naturally operates in a calm, relaxed, contemplative atmosphere. As the succession of opening chacras continues, your awareness and perception of life flows continually from within. You are led to do the right thing at the right time. A new vibrancy permeates your being.
Meditation allows you to learn to control the restless, materially oriented conscious mind and reprogram the subordinate subconsciousness, in order that you may function from your spiritually oriented higher consciousness. It opens up the channel to your Higher Self.
Your posture should be comfortable and secure. You may choose any position you like as long as you make sure to keep your spine straight.
Persistence: To succeed and remain successful in meditation, you must meditate consistently. A 15 min period is sufficient as a minimum.
Sit comfortably, relaxing the body as much as possible without slumping or allowing the spine to curve. Help loosen tight muscles by doing the following exercises:
1. Allow the head to fall forward on the chest. Breathe deeply in and out three times. Return to the upright position.
2. Allow the head to tip fully backwards. Breathe deeply in and out three times. Return to the upright position.
3. Tip the head as far as possible to the left. Breathe deeply in and out three times. Return to the upright position.
4. Tip the head as far as possible to the right. Breathe deeply in and out three times. Return to the upright position.
5. Allow the head to fall forwards, then move it in a circle, counterclockwise, three times.
6. Repeat the last exercise, moving the head clockwise three times. Return to the upright position.
7. Breathe in, through the nose, with a number of short, snap intakes until the lungs are full. Hold it a moment, then suddenly exhale through mouth with a “Huh!” sound. Do this three times.
8. Breathe in slowly and fully, through the right nostril (hold the left one closed if necessary), feeling the stomach balloon out as you do so. Hold it a moment, then exhale slowly through the mouth, flattening the stomach as you do so. This exercise moves all the stale air from the bottom of the lungs. Do this three times.
9. Repeat the last exercise, this time breathing in through the left nostril and out through the right nostril. Do this three times.
Now, with your body relaxing and breathing normally but deeply, concentrate your thoughts until you can imagine your whole body encased in a globe o white light. Feel the luminous energy charging your whole body.
Now focus your attention on your toes. Command them to relax. Let the tension and tiredness melt away from them. Repeat the process with your entire body, section by section. Finish the relaxation technique at the forehead. Then you need only to focus inward to your third eye.
With your attention focused at the third eye, let your eyes roll up, if you can. Go deeper and deeper into the third eye. Abandon the unreal material world, the ego self. It is only when the materialistic ego self is transcended that you can find the door to the inner kingdom and your higher self. Give yourself to it, yield to the magnetic pull from above. You don’t need to pray or visualize to make anything happen. Just relax and let yourself flow inward and upward toward the higher power. Whatever you see, give yourself to it and move ever upward, ever inward, into and through.
Once your conscious mind begins to become disciplined you will begin to notice positive results. You will begin to notice a deepening of intuition. You will begin to know things that you have not known before.
For your physical well-being it is important that you end each meditation period with a re-awakening of the physical and conscious selves. This should be done in the reverse order to the method for relaxation. As your consciousness begins to pull away from your third eye, direct it to expand up the forehead to the top of the head. Then, step by step, proceed down through the body. Command each in succession to awaken refreshed, vibrant and healthy.
You will be pleasantly surprised at how much better you will begin to feel after your meditation. You will feel and immediate inner satisfaction and a tremendous peace of mind. Through meditation you will discover that not only is your spiritual consciousness awakening, but you are also revitalizing the physical self, as you begin to tap the great cosmic forces that are your birthright.
Source: Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft, Lesson Seven
I asked for an Angel
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I come from Love
The end of the beginning
When a love comes to an end (...) the wise already have one in reserve.
Monday, December 15, 2008
How to enhance your power to bless
Bless everyone and everything that represents what you want!
1. Become aware of your natural breathing (it might change on its own just because of your awareness, but it's ok).
2. Locate the crown of your head and your navel by awareness and/or touch.
3. Now, as you inhale put your attention on the crown of your head; and as you exhale put your attention on your navel. Keep breathing this away for as long as you like.
4. When you feel relaxed, centered, and/or energized, begin imagining that you are surrounded with an invisible cloud of light or an electromagnetic field, and that your breathing increases the energy of this cloud or field.
5. As you bless, imagine that the object of your blessing is surrounded with some of the same energy that surrounds you.
Source: "The Little Pink Booklet of Aloha" by Serge Kahili King
In truth there is love
Fear of speaking or hearing the truth is the biggest stumbling block we face in our desire to experience genuinely fulfilling, honest and loving relationships. When we hold something back, that something separates us from the other person. If we're not open to hearing the words of others without reacting or taking them personally, we have distanced ourselves from those individuals.
It's always easier to tell people what they want to hear. It's often more comfortable to agree with someone, even if we disagree in our hearts. And since it can be equally frightening to confront painful truths about our own selves, our friends and family may feel compelled to tell us only what we want to hear.
Today when you need to tell the truth, have the courage to open your heart as well as your mouth. And when you need to hear the truth, have the strength to open your ears and close your mouth.
Source: Yehuda Berg
"When in doubt, tell the truth."
Mark Twain
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Chaos Theory
“(Life) is an erratic son of a bitch; but underneath all of that (…) there is in fact a pattern – the truth and it’s love. The most important thing about love is that we choose to give it and we choose to receive it, making it the least random thing in the entire universe. It transcends blood, it transcends betrayal and all the dirt that makes us human.”
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
In your arms
Full Moon Messages
The winter Moons are a wonderful time for divination and spiritual self-study. December’s Full Moon is known as the “Cold Moon,” or “The Moon of Long Nights.” As the light of the Sun becomes weaker, night magic and the power of the Moon becomes more potent.
Turn the lights off and light the silver candle. Cast a magic circle around your space, then seat yourself at the table. Keep a soft, unfocused gaze. Empty your mind of doubt and worry. Just breathe and watch. You will see images. The Moon has spoken.
The full moon is used for spells for wholeness, children and mothers, families, psychic enhancement, and some love spells.
"Men are disgusting and, left to their own devices, they will affront the central tenets of human decency - and laugh uproariously at it."
Jonah Goldberg
However I believe that we cannot absolutely generalize this statement, it’s important to keep it in mind but it’s also important to believe that there are good decent men and appreciate them, really appreciate them.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Lovers by Divine right
"When a man and a woman have an overwhelming passion for each other, it seems to me, in spite of such obstacles dividing them as parents or husband, that they belong to each other in the name of Nature, and are lovers by Divine right, in spite of human convention or the laws."
Sébastien-Roch Nicolas De Chamfort
Your life is the result of the thoughts you have continually thought about.
If you look at the state of your life, you will notice that it is the result of the thoughts that you have continually thought about more than the thoughts which you thought in a moment or two, no matter how intense they may have been.
Thoughts are things, and the more you choose to focus your consciousness on thoughts of success and prosperity, the more of such things you will attract and manifest. This is what you must do especially at times when things seem to go the opposite.
It doesn’t matter what your past has been like. If you like to have a different future, the secret is to consistently think in a different line of thought.
Life becomes a joy or a pain depending on the thoughts that you continually think to yourself about the world and other people. The more you continually choose to focus on thinking about things with a positive attitude, the better you will feel about your experiences in work, relationships or anything else.
The first step to overcome limitations is to free your mind with positive suggestions.
Your body knows the truth – Applied Kinesiology Muscle Testing for the Truth
The body is not as much of a liar as the conscious mind is. It is much more likely to give an honest assessment of what is going on than the person's analytical thinking is. The body will give answers to things that are submerged and unknown to the conscious processes, and it will give answers without being biased by wishful thinking or social maneuvering.
Many different muscles could be used for the test. The easiest is usually to use the big deltoid muscles or the arms. The client stretches one arm straight out in front of her, or straight out to the side. The facilitator instructs her to resist and then presses down on the arm. And she notices if the arm holds up to being pressed down, or if it gives in and becomes weak. There is a certain knack to sensing it, but once one has got it, it is a very finite sign.
Basically, strong means "Yes" and weak means "No".
The muscles really do react to what one thinks and feels and imagines.
In using muscle testing, it is important that you are very precise in what you ask for or what you put attention on. If you give a sloppy unfocused question or direction you will get a confused answer.
Applied Kinesiology Muscle Testing
Think excitement, talk excitement, act out excitement!
"Think excitement, talk excitement, act out excitement, and you are bound to become an excited person. Life will take on a new zest, deeper interest and greater meaning. You can think, talk and act yourself into dullness or into monotony or into unhappiness. By the same process you can build up inspiration, excitement and surging depth of joy."
Norman Vincent Peale
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Bodies never lie
It consists of feeling it
“Poverty consist in feeling poor.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Love consists of feeling loving and feeling loved,
Joy consists of feeling joyful,
Wealth consists of feeling wealthy,
Health consists of feeling healthy,
Youth consists of feeling young,
Peace consists of feeling peaceful,
Beauty consists of feeling beautiful,
Wisdom consists of feeling wise,
Power consists of feeling powerful.
The truth of a thing is the feel of it...
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Love unlocks doors...
When reality is better than a dream...
He loves to touch, massage and feel...
Friday, December 5, 2008
I am happy, so everything will be wonderful
I feel like whatever happens, it is going to be great, because I am a happy, joyful person, not that I am going to be happy when something great happens, it’s the other way round, my happiness and joy comes from within, and the outer world is a result, a consequence of my beautiful inner world.
To continue the reflection about happiness, I believe that with such emanating happiness I will only attract happiness, like attracts like and the grumps will automatically be repelled.
So excited!!!
"Get excited and enthusiastic about you own dream. This excitement is like a forest fire - you can smell it, taste it, and see it from a mile away."
I'm so excited
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Peace of Mind
"Peace of mind happens to a man only after he has developed deep insight, only after he starts seeing the things in the right perspective."
Sam Veda
"When you sleep deeply, nothing worries you. You enjoy peace. You can enjoy this same peace while awake and active."
"Meditate regularly, think only positively, aspire to find the consciousness beyond the mind, and peace of mind will be yours."
How to appreciate your job...
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The Power of the Mind
The world is what you think it is. I am what I think and you are what I think. Everything starts in the mind, everything is a projection of the mind. As within, so without. You are the master of your mind, you create your whole world, all of it and everything in it. In your mind you are what you decide to be. In my mind I am love, I am joy, I am wealth, I am health, I am youth, I am peace, I am beauty, I am wisdom,
I am power.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Have you ever really loved a woman?
To really love a woman
To understand her - you gotta know her deep inside
Hear every thought - see every dream
N' give her wings - when she wants to fly
Then when you find yourself lyin' helpless in her arms
Ya know ya really love a woman
When you love a woman you tell her
that she's really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
Cuz she needs somebody to tell her
that it's gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really
- really really ever loved a woman?
To really love a woman
Let her hold you -
till ya know how she needs to be touched
You've gotta breathe her - really taste her
Til you can feel her in your blood
N' when you can see your unborn children in her eyes
Ya know ya really love a woman
When you love a woman
you tell her that she's really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
Cuz she needs somebody to tell her
that you'll always be together
So tell me have you ever really -
really really ever loved a woman?
You got to give her some faith - hold her tight
A little tenderness - gotta treat her right
She will be there for you, takin' good care of you
Ya really gotta love your woman...
And when you find yourself lying helpless in her arms
you know you really love a woman
When you love a woman you tell her
that she's really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
Cuz she needs somebody to tell her
that it's gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really
- really really ever loved a woman?
just tell me have you ever reall -
really really ever loved a woman
just tell me have you ever reall -
really really ever loved a woman
Have you ever really loved a woman?
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